Subject to the requirements of the Constitution of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees International Union, all professional employees of the Library of Congress, excluding those in supervisory, confidential or managerial positions are eligible for membership in Local 2910.
Section 2.Application for membership shall be made on a standard application form. Unless such form includes a valid authorization for payroll deduction of dues, the application shall be accompanied by dues for the current quarter.
Section 3.Dues of Local 2910 shall be sixty-five hundredths of one percent of each member's gross annual salary, but not less than the minimum dues amount required by the Capital Area Council of Federal Employees Council 26 or by the International Union.
Section 4.Membership dues not paid by payroll deduction shall be payable quarterly, semi-annually or annually in advance to the local treasurer and in any event shall be paid not later than the 15th day after the beginning of the quarter in which they become due. Any member who fails to pay dues by the 15th day after the beginning of the quarter in which they become due shall be considered delinquent, and upon failure to pay dues for two successive months shall stand suspended. However, any member paying dues through a system of regular payroll deduction shall be considered in good standing so long as the dues continue to be paid through such deduction method.
Section 5.A member suspended under the above section may be reinstated to membership in the local on payment of all arrearages plus the current quarter's dues.
Section 6.A member of Local 2910 shall be considered to be in good standing so long as the member is not suspended.
Regular meetings shall be held at least quarterly, at a time and place to be fixed by the membership or the local executive board.
Section 2.Special meetings may be called when necessary and upon due notice to the members as to its purpose, either by the local president, a majority of the local executive board, or upon written petition signed by not less than 10 percent of the members in good standing or 50 members in good standing which ever is less. Special meetings may also be called by the International President or his authorized representatives.
Section 3.Only members of the local in good standing and present at a meeting shall be allowed to vote.
Section 4.The quorum at any meeting of Local 2910 shall consist of not less than 10 percent of the members in good standing or 25 members in good standing, whichever is less. A quorum at any committee meeting or executive board meeting shall consist of a majority of those seats not currently vacant.