Section 1.

Local 2910 shall at all times be subject to the provisions of the constitution of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Section 2.

Except to the extent specified in this constitution, no officer of the local union shall have the power to act as agent for or otherwise bind the local union in any way whatsoever. No member or group of members or other person or persons shall have the power to act on behalf of or otherwise bind the local union except to the extent specifically authorized in writing by the president of the local union or by the executive board of the local union.

Section 3.

Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the guide in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution or that of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.



This constitution may be amended, revised, or otherwise changed by a majority vote of the members voting on such proposed change, and such change shall take effect only upon written approval of the International President. Proposed amendments to this constitution must be read at a regular or special meeting of Local 2910 and read and voted on at a subsequent meeting of the local union, adequate and proper notice having been given to the membership prior to the date on which the vote is taken. A written copy of the proposed amendment shall be furnished to every eligible voter at the meeting at which the vote is taken.

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