9/24 Rally for Feds!

Head’s up about an important event occurring at lunchtime on the Capitol grounds: Tuesday, September 24, at 12:00 noon. Please plan to attend!

Our sister union, AFGE, has announced a rally (Fed Up? Rise Up!details below) in support of federal employees on the Capitol grounds across from the Supreme Court . As you know, our Executive Branch sisters and brothers have been feeling the brunt of negative policies toward federal workers and federal worker rights. The current climate impacts all of us and our workplaces in the federal government.

This rally is a part of a broad-based coalition of federal unions that is emerging as a result of current events: not only AFSCME and AFGE will be represented, but also the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE), the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU). Lee Saunders, the president of AFSCME, our own international union, is also slated to speak at the rally.

Guild members will meet at 11:45 am on the steps of the Supreme Court to attend the rally together. But if you can’t make it precisely at 11:45 we still encourage you to join us and the rally when you can. Take even a few minutes of your lunchtime to show solidarity for the rights of federal workers. Your support makes a huge difference!